# of Pages: 294
Author: Cat Patrick
Previous Work:
The Originals
Author: Suzanne Young
Previous Work:
The Program Series
A Need So Beautiful
A Want So Wicked
The Naughty List Series
Summary: Caroline's Gram is about to die. Since her
stroke, the family has been anxiously waiting to see if she
will make it. Caroline's best friend Simone wants her to
live a little, and go to a party, but Caroline isn't sure if she
should. In this book you get to read what would have
happened if she had stayed with her Gram- or if she had
gone to the party. In both instances she finds love in the
midst of her grief. There is only one happy ending.
Rating: 4.5.
Awards: None.
Opinion: This book was really good. My only problem with
it is that no one would really leave their grandmother at
their deathbed. Other than that it was a really good book
about the consequences of your actions.