# of Pages: 240
Author: A.J. Paquette
Previous Work:
Nowhere Girl
Rules for Ghosting
Summary: Ana wakes up in a ship with no idea of who she is
or why she is there. Her only clue is a set of instructions
saying she has surgical retrograde amnesia, and her task is to
observe and survive. Ana is confused as to the purpose of
sending someone with amnesia into space, but she sets off
with three other teens anyway. What she finds will shock her.
Rating: This book is a 3. I loved the story, hated the ending.
2013 Cybils YA Speculative Fiction Nominee
Opinion: The story was good, but it was the arrangement
that was interesting. The story was told in the third person,
but you knew all of Ana's thoughts. She also receives
snippets of memories that aren't hers. In addition to those
quirks, the book included newspaper excerpts and three
appendices. These aspects really moved the story along,
giving background as to how Ana came to be on the planet.
The plot was fast paced and amazing, but then it ended. The
story didn't seem over, and there will be no sequel. It felt like a
cop-out in what was an otherwise amazing book.