# of Pages: 352
Author: Jerry Spinelli
Previous Work:
Maniac Magee
And many other books
Summary: Jake and Lily are unusually close for twins. They
just don't know how close until their sixth birthday. They find
themselves on the train platform, which the train they born on
passed. And this continues for many years. That was only the
first of many strange occurences that include moving bruises,
being able to hear each other from miles away, and most
uniquely being able to read each other's minds. Lily knows
their power needs a name and calls it Goombla. But as the
years go on they grow farther apart and their Goombla starts
dissapearing. Lily is on a mission to get it back.
Rating: I give this book a 1.
Awards: This book has no awards.
Opinion: This book is really interesting. It is told from the
point of view of both twins which is nice. Another thing I
like is that the characters seem very real. But this book
isn't one of the best Jerry Spinelli books. It is amusing but
not a book you HAVE to read.
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