Saturday, November 17, 2012

Be Thankful

Okay, so first off, I'd like to apologize for the fact that my last post was over a month ago! I've had a lot of things I needed to do. Secondly, this is a Thanksgiving post! This book shows you really need to be thankful for what you have; it can all be taken away from you. That said, I'd really appreciate it if  my viewers would post a comment on what they were thankful for. That would be great!

 Title: A Long, Long Sleep
                                      # of Pages: 382
                                     Author: Anna Sheehan
                                     Previous Work: 
                                                        None, but the author says a sequel to this book is
                                                        "in the works, but I’m afraid I have no idea when 
                                                         such a thing may be published."(I found this fact 
                                                         on her website if you want more info.)
                                     Summary: What if your parents put you in stasis (a state of 
                                     sleep) and you wake up 62 years later? What if the world
                                     had a mini apocalypse while you were asleep and everyone
                                     you knew was seemingly gone? What if you were expected
                                     to take over an inter-planetary empire when you grew up?
                                     And to top it all off, what if a crazy human-like robot was
                                     hunting you? Meet Rosalinda Fitzroy- she lived that life.
                                     Rating: This book was a little sad but definitely a 5.
                                                A tie for the 2012 Golden Duck/ Hal Clement Award
                                                (The other winner was A Beautiful Friendship by 
                                                 David Weber, if you're interested.)
                                     Opinion: This was really good, though sad. It has many twists
                                     and turns; plot changes you won't expect. It annoyed me how 
                                     fast Rose fell for a guy, but the reason is made evident at the 
                                     end of the book. Surprisingly, Rose wasn't my favorite
                                     character. Her friend Otto is. He's a half Europan (as in 
                                     Europa) half human test tube baby. He has an amazing power
                                     of talking to people by touching them and speaking in their
                                     minds. He wants to be friends with Rose, but they hit a major
                                     roadblock. I won't say any more, for fear of giving something
                                     away. Altogether this was a great book.


  1. I love a good sad book! I used to hate them but now I adore them, once I actually wanted the main character to die! (and I liked the character!) This book sounds brilliant, when I have time I'll have to read it.
    Oh yeah, what I'm thankful for is all the incredible literature out there!

  2. Sorry I took so long to reply... I'm thankful for that too! :-)
