The Dark Unwinding
A Spark Unseen
Author: Sharon Cameron
Previous Work: These were her first books.
Summary: When sent to commit her uncle to a lunatic
asylum, Katharine discovers a misunderstood inventor, living
in a fantastical world his mother (Katharine's late
Grandmother) had made for him. She must decide whether
she will betray his trust- or risk the rest of her life protecting
Rating: 4.5
(For The Dark Unwinding)
ABC Best Books for Children
ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults Selection
Bank Street College of Education’s Best Children’s Books
SCBWI Crystal Kite Award for the Mid-South Division
Sue Alexander Most Promising New Work Award
Opinion: These books were great! I loved the historical aspect,
combined with just enough steam-punk to make it interesting.
My one quibble is that you sometimes can't tell what is going on.
However, since that is purposeful, I think this is a great series.