# of Pages: 336
Author: Kay Honeyman
Previous Work: This is her first novel.
Summary: Thought to be cursed, Jade Moon faces a lifetime
of boredom in China. The only man who will marry her is
the bricklayer- who only talks about bricks. Then Sterling
Promise, an adopted cousin comes along and convinces
Jade Moon's father to take them all to America. Excited, she
goes with them to Ellis Island- only to be betrayed.
Rating: A 5! I wish I could keep this book... But I can't.
Booklist Starred Review
Parent's Choice Gold Award
Opinion: This book is so multi-layered! If I were to call it a
romance I would be right- and wrong. The same goes for
calling it a new twist on a classic story or a historical
fiction. I guess if I had to define this book as one thing,
it would be becoming more than what people say you
are or even what you should be. People treated Jade Moon
differently because of when she was born and she became
what they expected her to be.
This looks and sounds amazing, and I love to support new authors, I'm absolutely going to read this!
ReplyDeleteI first found this book at the library but then acquired it for my own usage. I have re-read it so many times.