# of Pages: 256
Author: Ann Rinaldi
Previous Work:
Ann Rinaldi has written over 40 books including:
A Break with Charity
The Secret of Sarah Revere
The Coffin Quilt: The Feud Between the Hatfields and
the McCoys
Or Give Me Death
Brooklyn Rose
Summary: Caty Littlefield Greene is sent away to be educated
and her life changes forever. Many years later her daughter
Martha told her younger sister Cornelia, not only that she's to
blame for their baby sister's death, but that their father wasn't
the father of Cornelia. Bewildered and confused Cornelia sets
out to find the truth.
Rating: I give this book a 4.
Awards: None
Opinion: This book was really good. The characters were true
to life and when the mom changed you couldn't believe it.
However this book wasn't as historically acurrate as many of her
other books.
this looks really good I'll have to read it . . . some day, *sigh*.