Shark Girl
Formerly Shark Girl
Author: Kelly Bingham
Previous Work: None
Summary: Jane Arrowood has her life pretty much figured
out. She has a huge crush on a guy named Max (which she
knows won't ever lead to anything) and she's going to be an
artist when she grows up. Then she is attacked by a shark,
forcing the doctors to amputate half of her right arm. Jane
starts to doubt her goals in life, and begins to wonder if it
isn't time to be more realistic.
Rating: 3.
Awards: (For Shark Girl)
Oprah's Book Club for Kids
Best Books For Young Adults Nominee
The Schneider Family Book Award Nominee
Iowa Teen Choice Book Award Winner
And many more!
(For Formerly Shark Girl)
Bank Street's Best Books For Children List
Opinion: I normally don't like books that are written as
poetry.At all. I usually find them incredibly depressing with
plots that are hard to follow. The poems just don't lend enough
substance. However, I make an exception for these particular
books. The poems actually tell what is happening, not just
Jane's feelings. I like the plot line, and Jane's struggles with
herself and those around her. These were good books; they just
lacked something to make them great.
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