Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Reviews

 How I'll Set Up My Reviews

To help you understand my reviews I'm going to set up an example with side notes.

 Title: I'll put the title of the book or series (if it is better to
                                   review as a whole)  right next to a picture of the cover of the
                                   book. (If it's a series I'll put the first cover.)
                                   Author: I'll put the Author and Illustrator (if there is one) here
                                   Previous Work: This is where I'll put other books the've
                                   written, like so.

                                                                Book 1

                                                                Book 2

                                                                Book 3

                                  Summary: I'll put an in detail summary of the book, that
                                  includes the plot without giving away the ending.
                                  or too many details. Just enough to give you the gist of the book.
                                  Rating: The rating is 1-5. 1= great; 5= one of the best books I've
                                  ever read.
                                  Awards: This is where I'll put any awards the book has. If it
                                  doesn't have any, I'll put None.
                                  Opinion: This is where I'll put what I liked and didn't like about
                                  the book.
                                  Overall: Whether or not this is a can't miss book or series.

I hope this has helped you understand my reviews.

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